I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006)

Hi, I’m Adam and this is day 8 of 31 days of horror – and the first of mine that has the enviable position of having a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes – it’s the straight to DVD sequel, I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer!

The first thing to note is that despite this being a sequel, I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer has veeeeery little to do with the original two of the series. In fact, the story of I Know What You Did Last Summer has now faded into legend, with teenagers now sharing the tale of the hook-wielding Fisherman tracking down and murdering teenagers with secrets. One such teen is Amber Williams, played by Brooke Nevin, who joins in with a stupid prank masterminded by her boyfriend Colby (David Paetkau). 

Their friend Roger played by Seth Packard, dresses as the fisherman, and chases the group through the town carnival where their friend PJ, Clay Taylor, accidentally takes a tumble and impales himself on a pipe – dying instantly. Vowing not to admit their involvement in PJ’s death, the group burn the fisherman costume and keep up the pretence of being attacked.

One year later, and the group have drifted apart. Coming up to the anniversary of PJ’s death, Amber receives dozens of text messages from a blocked number – saying the same thing, “I know what you did last summer.” Afraid someone has slipped the secret, Amber teams up with her friend Zoe to catch up with each of the group, and quickly find a trail of corpses, caused by a suddenly supernatural fisherman.

Yeah. I mean, I’m sure I’m seen worse, but I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer is pretty.. bland. Some of the kills are nice, but overall, there’s just not a whole lot to love. Logic is thrown out of the window more than once, with a last minute effort to force in some twists and turns going down.. badly.

I don’t think it’s the worst. But I highly doubt I’ll ever force myself through it anytime soon. See you tomorrow!


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