Killjoys vs The Expanse: The Spectrum of Sci-Fi
Anybody who keeps up with these blogs will know that I’m not exactly one for Netflix binge-watching. Certainly not when it comes to television shows, as a rule I tend […]
Anybody who keeps up with these blogs will know that I’m not exactly one for Netflix binge-watching. Certainly not when it comes to television shows, as a rule I tend […]
You know what I realised the other day? John Goodman is a cinematic treasure. Okay, so my thought process maaaay have been influenced by the fact that Mr Goodman has […]
In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. As anybody who frequents […]
As a self confessed cinephile and shut in, I suppose there really is only one thing to talk about on this, the 27th February 2017. No, it isn’t the fact […]
You know, I have this pressing urge at times to try and be current. To not labour the point and go over things that have already been discussed a thousand […]
AKA Why Is This Happening To Me? I’m going to be completely honest with you. I wasted this weekend. In fact, right now, I’m sitting here staring at the computer […]